Spiritual Adoption – Pray for our Spiritual Baby!

Right now, there is a pregnant woman struggling with the decision of her pregnancy. Please pray this prayer from March 25th, the Annunciation of the Lord, to December 25th, the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, to save a baby’s life!

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much, I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.” -Prayer of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

We need Diapers to help the Sanford Pregnancy Center with their Earn to Learn Program which helps teach parenting and life skills to new parents. Both JMJ and the Sanford Pregnancy Centers need diapers. Please email Eileen Janke at mpbforlife@gmail.com or leave your name and number at the front office at 407-365-3231 to let us know if you can help with the table collection after the Mass you will be attending. Thank you in advance for your help.

Spiritually Adopted Baby

Development of our Spiritually Adopted Baby at 1 Month: 
My heart began beating 18 days after conception and is now pumping blood. All four chambers of my heart are working and my mother is probably tired and may be experiencing morning sickness as her body adjusts to me. “I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works! My very self you know.” – Psalm 139:14

Development of our Spiritually Adopted Baby -Second Month
My brain waves were detected at 7 weeks. Now my arms are bending and flexing, my fingers are developing, and I can “swim”. At nine weeks, I am nearly an inch long and everything is now present that will be found in a fully developed adult. “for nothing is impossible with God” -Luke 1:37

Development of our Spiritually Adopted Baby at 3 Months -(13 weeks)
At 3 months, I am 2 inches long, weigh about an ounce, and my major organs and systems have developed. Fingerprints were visible at 10 weeks and I can now feel pain. By 12 weeks, my fingers and toes separated and fingernails and hair began to grow. My feet are the size of the Precious Feet lapel pin. “Behold, children are a gift of the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward.” -Psalm 127-3

Development of our Spiritually Adopted Baby at 4 Months (17 Weeks)
I am about 3 inches long, weigh almost 6 ounces, and I can swim, kick and do somersaults! My finger and toenails are growing, eyebrows and hair have sprouted, and my heart is pumping at a rate of as much as 6 gallons a day. Mom might hear tiny thumps of my heartbeat with an external monitor. “You did form my inward parts; you did knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Ps 139[138]

Development of our Spiritually Adopted Baby at 5 Months
Our spiritually adopted baby weighs over one pound now. His mother can feel him moving now. Before he was too small for her to feel. Although he swam with ease in his watery world, he needed to be big and strong enough to kick hard against the outside uterine wall and dent it – the inside wall of the uterus has no feeling. We are mid‐way through the pregnancy now. Your prayers have helped your baby’s mother continue with her pregnancy and seek the help she needs. 

Development of our Spiritually Adopted Baby at 6 Months
Our spiritually adopted baby is growing quite beautifully now. Her weight is approaching 2 pounds. Babies born prematurely at this time have a very good chance of surviving. The medical advances in caring for extremely small newborn infants are extraordinary indeed. Each passing year, we witness medical advances that allow our medical professionals to save younger and younger premature infants. 

 Development of our Spiritually Adopted Baby at 7 Months
You’re in the home stretch with your spiritually adopted baby. He is completely formed and has been since 8 weeks. All he is doing now is gaining weight – and making his mother uncomfortable with his size. But she’s not worried now. In a short time, her baby will be born. She has planned to bring him home or place him for adoption. Either way, she knows she can receive the assistance she needs from people like you and from the crisis pregnancy centers. Your baby’s mother appreciates the prayers you have said for her and her baby throughout the pregnancy. It hasn’t been easy, but your prayers have given her grace to seek the help she needs. 

Development of our Spiritually Adopted Baby at 8 Months
Wow! In the last 4 weeks I have grown a lot! I don’t have as much room to do my exercises! The wrinkles I had everywhere are disappearing as I gain more weight – I must be getting younger! My body is catching up to my big head. I can move my eyes, but it’s still pretty dark in here. I can hear my mom and recognize my dad’s voice when he talks to me. I now weigh about 5 pounds, my body is filling out with baby fat, and fine hair is growing on my head.  “For you love all things that are and loathe nothing that you have made; for what you hated, you would not have fashioned.” (Wisdom 11:24)

Happy Birthday Adopted Baby Your spiritually adopted baby was born this month
Nine months after her mother conceived her.  The only change at birth is a change in the external life support system of the baby. She is no different now than she was before birth except that she breathes and eats differently. She is truly a miracle. She began as a 46-chromosome cell and has developed over the past nine months into this unique human baby. Never before in history, nor ever again, will anyone exist who is just like your spiritually adopted baby. You may never meet the mother and baby, but your prayers saved his life!