“How shall I make a return to the Lord
Psalm 116:12
for all the good God has done for me?”

Stewardship of treasure begins not because God has need of our gifts but because each one of us has a need to return to God a truly grateful portion of our time, talent and treasure in thanksgiving for all the blessings that He has given us. The highest purpose for giving is our gratitude to God for His many blessings.
You may sign up for Electronic Giving by clicking on the link in the drop down below. Your gift may be one-time or recurring weekly or monthly. You have the option to select from the Parish scheduled collections as well as the Diocesan scheduled collections for your offerings. You will receive via e-mail a confirmation of your online donation(s). If you have any questions, please contact Lillian Izaguirre, Administrative Assistant at LIzaguirre@oviedocatholic.org .
Thank you for your dedication to our parish community!
Options of Giving
Mail In/ Drop Off
1- Mail in/drop-off your envelopes to the parish office
Most Precious Blood Catholic Church
113 Lockwood BLVD
Oviedo, FL 32765
or you can drop it off at the Parish Office during business hours Monday- Friday.
Online Giving
Text to Give
Text your gift amount* to 407-917-7165
SAMPLE TEXT TO GIVE: $10 to 407-917-7165
*Must include $ symbol when donating
How Can I Be a Good Steward of My Treasure?
- acknowledge that all of my material possessions are gifts from God
- understand that my offering is my “thank you” to such a generous God
- give in proportion to the gifts I have received
- strive to follow the Biblical tithe of 10 percent;
- 5 percent to the weekly Sunday parish offertory,
- 2 to 3 percent to Mortage and Debt Reduction (exempt from diocesean assesment)
- 2 percent to the annual Diocese of Orlando Catholic Appeal
If you are not yet able to commit to 5% for the Sunday Offertory and another 2% for Debt Reduction, please make a purposeful, prayerful, and proportionate commitment of your family income. Do not be afraid! You cannot out-give the Lord.
While 10 percent is recommended, the actual amount your family gives is left up to you. As good Stewards, we invest in God’s purposes and support our parish ministries, our parish campus, and devoted parish staff in order to continue to build God’s Kingdom. Therefore, parishioners should tithe what they can afford.
We encourage all parish families to enroll in our Online Giving Program available on our website. It is convenient and secure. Or you can continue to use your parish envelopes.
A Guide to Weekly Giving:
Household Income Approximate Figures
Per Hour | Per Year | 1% weekly | 4% weekly | 5% weekly | 10% weekly |
$7.50 | $15,000 | $3 | $12 | $15 | $30 |
$10 | $20,000 | $4 | $16 | $20 | $40 |
$12.50 | $25,000 | $5 | $20 | $25 | $50 |
$15 | $30,000 | $6 | $24 | $30 | $60 |
$17.50 | $35,000 | $7 | $28 | $35 | $70 |
$20 | $40,000 | $8 | $32 | $40 | $80 |
$22.50 | $45,000 | $9 | $36 | $45 | $90 |
$25 | $50,000 | $10 | $40 | $50 | $100 |
$30 | $60,000 | $12 | $48 | $60 | $120 |
$35 | $70,000 | $14 | $56 | $70 | $140 |
$40 | $80,000 | $16 | $64 | $80 | $160 |
$45 | $90,000 | $18 | $72 | $90 | $180 |
$50 | $100,000 | $20 | $80 | $100 | $200 |
$75 | $150,000 | $30 | $120 | $150 | $300 |
Your commitment and generosity to our parish is helping us work towards our mission. Thank you for your generosity!