Experience Fellowship

Community Events

Throughout the year, our parish sponsors events and celebrations (ex. Community Nights, Celebration of Cultures, Parish Picnics) that encourage fellowship. Would you like to assist in the planning of one of our Community Events or would you be able to help out at the event?

Ministerio Hispano

El Ministerio Hispano brinda ayuda para atender las necesidades de nuestros feligreses que hablan español, a la vez que apoya la vida de la parroquia. El Ministerio Hispano también coordina y lleva a cabo diversas actividades durante todo el año con el fin de ayudar a nuestra comunidad hispana a crecer en Cristo. Estas actividades incluyen la Misión en Español, la Misa del Divino Niño, la Misa de la Virgen de Guadalupe, la Celebración de las Santas Patronas (la Santa Virgen patrona de cada país), el Vía Crucis. Las Siete Palabras o Santa Misa de Epifanía del Señor.

Forever Young Senior Ministry

The purpose of the Forever Young Senior Ministry is to create a supportive community in which we learn from and help each other in our journey to age well through companionship, practical support, service to others, and spiritual growth. This ministry is comprised of older adults who are engaged in life and eager to keep learning, making friends, growing spiritually, and using our wisdom and life experiences to serve others. Our Ministry plans social, spiritual, and service activities throughout the year for older adults. Upcoming events are listed in the bulletin under the Community Area of Parish Life.

Forever Young’s Chat Group (Sunshine Chats)

We will meet again on Wednesday mornings in the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Ministry Room. The meetings will start at 10:30 AM, after Mass and rosary. Join us for a morning of compassion, friendship, and laughs. For more information, please contact Amy Puccio at 407-416-5340.

Forever Young Senior’s Ministry

Forever Young Seniors will be resuming our monthly meetings! We will be meeting on the third Friday of every month, 10 AM to Noon, in the Divine Mercy Ministry Room. Looking forward to seeing old friends and new friends! Come join us! For more information, call Amy Puccio at 407-416-5340.

MPB Classy Crafters

We will resume our weekly meetings starting on Thursday, September 8th, 10 AM-Noon in the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Ministry Room. For more information please contact Irene, at 407-568-1043.

Saint Ann Mothers’ Fellowship

Saint Ann Mothers’ Fellowship is an organization of mothers at Most Precious Blood Catholic Church who has the opportunity to share and participate in social activities and spiritual growth while cultivating a support system within our parish community. St. Ann Mothers’ Fellowship is devoted to bringing the mothers of our parish community together to further nourish the love for our children and families, in addition to learning more about ourselves as Christian women.

Meetings on Wednesday after Daily Mass.

Precious Peeps Play Dates

Our play dates are designed for our youngest Catholics, from birth-kindergarten. We meet several times a month for scheduled outings and activities. A calendar is available on the Parish website. A parent or caretaker must stay with her child/children during these activities and outings.

Mommies Coffee and Conversation

These monthly gatherings are social and spiritual and are designed for mothers with children from conception-kindergarten to cultivate a support system within our parish community. Please watch the bulletin for upcoming meeting dates.