Come home, we miss you!
Maybe you’ve been away from the Church for awhile. Maybe you’re not sure if you want to return, but you are willing to at least take a second look. There’s an old saying that goes: “Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.” Many people who have left the Church, for whatever reason, still feel a mysterious, even powerful draw to come back home to Her. We would like to help you in your journey.
Sometimes we must put aside our preconceived ideas of the faith long enough to try to understand not just what the Church teaches, but why.
Many people are happily surprised when they discover that what they once thought the Catholic Church teaches was different from what she actually does teach.
Sometimes, the answers to our questions are not what we expect them to be, the truth often lies in a direction we didn’t expect! Jesus Christ established a Church, the Catholic Church, with all its human imperfections as the shelter from the storms of this life.
God loves you so much that He will not stop searching for you, reaching out to you, and seeking you, so He can bring you safely home to your Catholic family.
But God is gentle…the choice is yours.
For more information on the teachings of the Catholic Church or returning to your Catholic roots please visit: www.catholicscomehome.org
For the various Adult Formation opportunities available at Most Precious Blood Catholic Church, contact our Evangelization Staff or contact the Parish Office.