The Vocation Blessing Cup was dedicated on Holy Thursday, April 5, 2007 and has consequently been hosted each week in homes of Most Precious Blood Catholic Church parishioners. A second cup has been blessed and is housed in the Rectory. This cup serves as a visible reminder for the clergy to pray for the families of our parish.
The Vocation Blessing Cup was crafted by a local potter. Its design was modeled from the chalice that Bishop Stephen Parkes, our founding pastor, received from his parents on his Ordination to the Priesthood. The cup is glazed in blue in honor of Mary, the Mother of God. Most Precious Blood Catholic Church’s logo is fashioned in clay on the side of the cup, and the base of the cup bears an inscription that describes the cup’s purpose. Included with the Vocation Blessing Cup is our parish’s Prayer for Religious Vocations, which was written by Bishop Stephen.
The Vocation Blessing Cup’s purpose is to inspire a greater awareness of God’s call within our community. Families who host the Vocation Blessing Cup are asked to pray for vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life, as well as for those who already serve the Church.
If you would like to host the Vocation Blessing Cup for one week, please contact Frances Stadler at 407-365-3231 or

A vocation is a personal call from God.
Find out more information about Religious Vocations in the Diocese of Orlando.