RCIA- Becoming Catholic

RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Interested in becoming Catholic? Perhaps now is the time and this is the place…

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which the Catholic Church welcomes individuals into the community of the faithful! It is available to all individuals who are interested in learning about the Catholic Church and seeking sacramental initiation into the Catholic faith.

For individuals who have never been baptized your journey will begin with a period of Inquiry and leads to the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist – at the Easter Vigil. Individuals baptized in another faith, receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist through the Rite of Reception and Full Communion.

Our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) sessions begin shortly.  We have several meeting opportunities to accommodate everyone.

Or, perhaps you feel you are being called to be a sponsor for someone who wants to become Catholic?
Perhaps you are being called to walk the journey of faith with someone who wants to become Catholic.  An RCIA Sponsor supports and befriends an Inquirer seeking the Catholic faith to understand our traditions and way of life. The Sponsor does this, not by being a teacher, but by supporting the person and sharing their own experiences of being Catholic.  Sponsors are not expected to know the answer to every Catholic question, but should have a willingness to share their faith, be welcoming and hospitable, and a good listener. Sponsors must be actively practicing Catholics, who have received the three Sacraments of initiation, and if married the Sponsor must have celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony in the Catholic church.  Many sponsors find that serving in this ministry renews and enriches their own faith. Training is provided.

For more information, please click here to contact us via email or please call the Parish Office at 407-365-3231. We look forward to walking this journey with you!

RCIA Hospitality Ministry

Each week in the Christian Initiation Process (RCIA )individuals that want to become Catholic meet to study the faith and discern their calling. During these sessions, a break time is scheduled for refreshments and social time. Parishioners are needed each week to provide snacks and refreshments for our sessions. Please consider helping the RCIA team by preparing a dessert or food item for our wonderful group. Please visit our Sign up Genius at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C054AA8AE2CA2F49-49959186-rcia#/to sign up to help.

For more information contact Donna at the parish office at 407-365-3231 x121 or dscimeca@oviedocatholic.org, or Paula Reyes at paulareye66@gmail.com.