Liturgy and Worship Ministries are responsible for maintaining the integrity and freshness of our liturgical celebrations and ensuring that the ‘Sunday Eucharistic Experience’ is the source and summit of our Parish Life.
Have you ever attended Mass and wondered, “Who are those people and why do they get to help at Mass each week?”, “I feel a tug at my heart to serve in the Mass, but don’t know how to start?”, or “I wish there was a way for my family to serve at Mass.” Serving in liturgical ministry is a beautiful way to offer your gifts and talents to the glory and worship of our Lord.
If you would like more information about any of the following ministries or how to get involved, please contact Chris Hernandez via email at chernandez@oviedocatholic.org or by calling the Parish Office.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers help serve in liturgy by taking part in processions, attending to the Priest at Mass, and at other parish liturgies.
Who: Youth having completed Fifth grade and at least 11 years old, who have received their Baptism and First Communion.
Responsibilities: Assist the priest with the celebration of Mass and other liturgical celebrations to ensure that the liturgy runs smoothly and efficiently.
Time: Approximately one Mass per month as assigned; plus, initial training and ongoing formation.
Talent: An ability to be attentive and reverent at Mass, dependability, and punctuality.
Liturgical Arts & Decor
The Environment Ministry is responsible for creating and decorating the Parish Life Center and Chapel for liturgical celebrations…especially during Christmas and Easter.
Who: Adults and High School Youth.
Responsibilities: Volunteers are asked to help with the decorating for celebrations. We need volunteers who are willing to sew, iron and help create a prayerful atmosphere.
Time: Varies depending on seasons.
Talent: Attention to detail, creativity, and a willingness to serve.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the Priest with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ. If you wish to be considered, please contact the Parish Office to complete the required form. Extraordinary Ministers are appointed by the Pastor.
Who: Adults and youth 16 & older. Catholic in good standing who has received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist & Confirmation).
Responsibilities: Respectfully assist the Priest in the distribution of the Eucharist during Mass.
Time: As assigned; initial training and ongoing formation sessions. Ministers will be contacted by the ministry facilitator and scheduled to serve. Depending on Mass selection, ministers usually serve 3 Masses within a two-month period.
Talent: Love and reverence for the Eucharist; ease in public settings.
Special Requirement: Diocesan training, local parish training and Safe Environment Training (SET). All volunteers will need to complete SET which consists of a 25-minute video and successful completion of an on-line questionnaire.
The purpose of the Greeter’s Ministry is to provide a welcoming atmosphere to the parish community. Greeters play a special role by welcoming parishioners into the celebration which is about to take place. Their warm smile and friendly “Hello!” set the tone for the Eucharistic Celebration.
Who: All ages are welcome to participate.
Responsibilities: Greeters provide a warm welcome to our parish and assist with questions and provide information at the welcome table. Greeters are asked to arrive 20-30 minutes prior to Mass.
Time: Commitment level can vary from one Mass per weekend to one Mass per month. Greeters will be contacted by the ministry facilitator and scheduled to serve on an as needed basis.
Talent: Friendly and outgoing, willingness to embrace and welcome all who come to share in our celebrations.
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry directs music activities including our weekly Sunday Masses and various other celebrations. We have a collective goal to lead people to Christ through prayer and song.
Adult Choir– ministers regularly at the 5:00pm, 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00 noon (Spanish) & 5:30pm Masses.
Youth Choir (high school)– sings once a month; Mass times vary.
Spanish Choir– ministers regularly at the 12 noon Mass.
Duties: Lead the congregation in song and praise and encourage musical participation by everyone present.
Time: In order to improve the quality of our music every week, we organize rehearsals focusing on two major groups: instrument and vocalists. All members of the choir are asked to attend a mandatory weekly rehearsal and arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the Mass in which they are scheduled to participate.
Choir– A clear voice and a good ear. Instrumentalists: Previous training and experience.
Cantors– A skilled solo voice; a deep sense of prayerfulness and reverence for the assembly’s sung prayer; a warm and inviting manner.
Readers (Lectors)
Readers help to share God’s word by proclaiming the Scriptures at liturgies.
Who: Adults and youth 16 & older, Catholic in good standing who has received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist & Confirmation).
Responsibilities: Ensure that the Scripture readings are proclaimed in such a way as to prompt careful examination and prayerful listening by the assembled faith community.
Time: Approximately one Mass every month as assigned; initial training; ongoing formation; personal time spent in study and reflection on the Word.
Talent: A love for God’s word and a desire to study it more deeply; a clear speaking voice; an ease speaking in front of people; dependability.
SA/V & Sound (Formerly Sound & Audio)
The A/V & Sound ministers balance the sound in the room, run the slide projections, record homilies during our weekend celebrations.
Who: High School ages and up.
Responsibilities: Arrive early for Mass to boot up the system, review the slides, and check in with the music ministers. Advance the slides as they are needed during the Mass, and record homilies and special celebrations.
Time: Typically twice a month along with another minister.
Talent: A passion for computers and technical things is a help, but if you can run your home computer you can handle this.
Ushers provide a comfortable spiritual environment for parishioners to worship. Ushers will assist with seating, the offertory, Communion, and the distribution of the bulletin.
Who: Adults and High School Youth. (15 years and up)
Responsibilities: To provide a comfortable spiritual environment, assist with seating, the offertory, Communion, and the distribution of the bulletin, as well as be attentive to visitors and those with special needs.
Time: Commitment level can vary from one Mass per weekend to one Mass per month. Ushers will be contacted by the ministry facilitator and scheduled to serve. Ushers are asked to arrive 20-30 minutes prior to Mass and remain until the last person exits.
Talent: An outgoing and warm personality; an ability to see Christ in all people; dependability; desire to assist others and contribute to the smooth operation of the Mass.
Special Requirements: Local parish training and Fingerprinting/Safe Environment Training (SET). The Diocese of Orlando requires all those 15 years and older to be fingerprinted and complete a background check to ensure the safety of all. In addition to fingerprinting all volunteers will need to complete SET which consists of a 25-minute video and successful completion of an online questionnaire.