“It is especially necessary that listening to the word of God should become a life-giving encounter, in the ancient and ever valid tradition of
–Pope John Paul II Novo Millennio Ineunte, 39
Lectio Divina, which draws from the biblical text the living Word which questions, directs and shapes our lives.”
Though prayer is one of the essentials of a thriving faith, we often feel as if we’re talking to ourselves—or, worse, as if we’re talking to no one at all. How can something so vital to the Faith be so elusive?
St. Augustine of Hippo’s phrase “ever ancient, ever new” describes the renewed interest in praying with Scripture that has re-emerged in today’s Church. Around the country, parish Bible study groups, small Christian communities, and other faith sharers have rediscovered a simple, insightful way to hear and experience the Word of God with one another through an ancient prayer form, Lectio Divina.

Here are a few resources we invite you to review as you learn more:
Read the article: Lectio Divina, A Guide: What It Is & How It Helps Prayer Life