Altar Servers Training | Sat. September 21st
New altar servers must be entering the 6th grade in the Fall and must have received their First Communion. We ask interested youth to please register for training.
Training Information:
Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024
Time: 10 am – 3:00 pm (lunch provided)
Location: Parish Life Center
If you have any questions or require more information, please contact Altar Server Ministry Leads, Rosie Camous & Olman Hernandez, at or Chris Hernandez, Liturgy Coordinator, at Please note, that volunteering during Liturgy will not count towards your Bright Future service hours.
Altar Servers help to enhance the quality of the liturgical celebration by taking part in the liturgical processions and by serving the Priest at Mass and other liturgies.
Who: Youth having completed Fifth grade or older, who have received their First Communion.
Responsibilities: Assist the priest with the celebration of Mass and other liturgical celebrations to ensure that the liturgy runs smoothly and efficiently.
Time: Approximately one Mass every 4 to 6 weeks as assigned; plus initial training and ongoing formation sessions.
Talent: An ability to be attentive and reverent at Mass, dependability.