Amendment 4
Why Vote NO on Amendment 4
Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion (23-07)
The proposed amendment would result in significantly more abortions and fewer live births per year in Florida. The increase in abortions could be even greater if the amendment invalidates laws requiring parental consent before minors undergo abortions and those ensuring only licensed physicians perform abortions. There is also uncertainty about whether the amendment will require the state to subsidize abortions with public funds. Litigation to resolve those and other uncertainties will result in additional costs to the state government and state courts that will negatively impact the state budget. An increase in abortions may negatively affect the growth of state and local revenues over time. Because the fiscal impact of increased abortions on state and local revenues and costs cannot be estimated with precision, the total impact of the proposed amendment is indeterminate.
This statement informs voters that Amendment 4 could force Florida taxpayers to subsidize elective abortions if Amendment 4 passes in November – just like the sponsors are suing for in Michigan after they passed a similar amendment. CLICK HERE to read the full press release.
More Sources of information
Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops
Diocese of Orlando
Vote No on 4